Things are looking up in my life outside of jiu jitsu. I had a great class today and didn't feel like such crap during rolls. I know part of what has been causing my moodiness of late, but I wonder if there's something else contributing (i.e. chemical/hormones) as I had an unusual streak of down.
Williams guard today (true Williams guard, not modified). The transition to triangle is really slick. Getting the arm-bar is doable but I never feel like it's deep enough when I'm doing it. I don't think it's specific to Williams guard, but moreso anytime I armbar their left arm instead of their right.
Rolls with Sarah, Jason S., Dennis and Jordan. Another freaking fun roll with Sarah. I felt like I was doing a good job of passing her guard. She swept me into a straight arm-bar which was really cool. She didn't finish it, but I'm not sure if it's b/c she wanted to keep the roll going or if the angle wasn't right. I have no idea how it happened, but it was really, really cool.
Jason did a bit of worm guard and got a sweep. I tried to focus on hip movement to reguard/maintain guard and was having some success with it. Near the end I tried the lapel guard that James showed on Monday night but I completely forgot where my hand and leg were supposed to be in relation to his leg.
Dennis and I started with me trying to pass his guard. I kept switching between trying to leg drag and diving under and he was having none of it. Finally he got a lapel grip to sweep and maintain side-control. It was super annoying as I was trying to escape side-control and couldn't get onto either hip. He finally let it go to transition to something else. I think we spent the remainder of the round with me trying to escape.
I was focused on sweeps with Jordan and hit both the spiderguard sweep and the lasso sweep. I think that's the first time I've ever gotten the lasso sweep to work. I got back-mount at one point and let him work the escape. He turned the wrong way so I regained his back. He asked me about it after and we talked about turning out vs. turning in.
I hope the good vibes continue for awhile, as the crappy ones were really not ok.
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