Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wed Night Farewell to Callum

Callum is about 14y/o and hasn't been training with us for too long, but he's a good kid and trains hard. Tonight was his send-off, so after class we did a 9min shark tank on him. Poor kid. He looked like death.

That's what I have to look forward to in three days. Awesome.

KOB submissions tonight. Far-side arm-bar, near-side arm-bar, or pull them up so that you can slide into a hybrid s-mount / mounted triangle for more arm-bar or triangle fun. Nothing was new, although trying to get a straight arm-bar on the far side from KOB was virtually impossible. Also I was working with Savannah, so pretty much every limb lock was impossible. James showed us a great way to help get the straight arm-bar but we didn't have time to drill it. I was going to do it after class but forgot. :(

KOTH for rolling (mount or submission stays). I didn't start down. Ended up with Jesse first. He came close to getting mount a couple of times, but I was able to fend it off. I tried open guard, did not attempt closed guard, and couldn't pass for beans. We were going at it for awhile and I could tell he was getting tired, but he passed my guard and I think got a submission. 

After that it was Sam, who's been to a handful of classes in the past six months but doesn't seem to skip a beat. He pretty much boat-raced me. 

A round with Rachael B., where I let her work for quite a bit and then finally took mount. Kelly let her win the match before.

Started to roll with Tien, who was doing the double-under guard pass similar to Russ. Time was called midway through.

Russ asked me after class if I was excited about being promoted. No. Everyone keeps bringing up 2013 Pans as evidence of my skill, but I'm not buying it. I won three matches that I should have won. Not to mention the fact that it was over a year ago.

I told Russ that I feel like I'm relatively happy with my knowledge but that my rolling is lacking. He responded with "You're comparing apples to oranges in here and you need to go compete so that you can get an apple to apple comparison". That's fine, except that I've not done very well at the last couple of tournaments when it was apples to apples. 

I had my head in a pretty good spot last week about trusting the instructor when it comes to promotions and all that. I need to get back into that space, and quick.


SavageKitsune said...

Yes, however dismayed you may be about a promotion. DON'T talk about it at the gym. It can be interpreted as disrespect to your teacher. Bitch and moan on your blog, that's what's it's for. ;)

Relax On The Mat said...

Excellent point, and that's the last thing that I want to do.