Friday, July 11, 2014

Fri Night Seminar & Last Day as Blue

Seminar went for two hours. Started with a couple of passes, which I completely botched. Then a couple of deep half sweeps, which went much better. Finished with a choke & shoulder/arm lock from side-control that was absolutely brutal. 

I think I drank too much water between the morning class and the seminar, b/c my body was feeling a little imbalanced. Could be fatigue, but it felt more like a nutrient problem. I partially attribute that to struggling with the first several techniques. 

KOTH at the end. I started with Savannah, and we ended up doing the Roshambo thing b/c neither of us were really getting anywhere. I'm not sure how long we rolled, probably 15min or so. I felt bad b/c there was a huge line of people waiting to roll and I didn't want to take up that much mat time (again).

After the rolls Walter and James presented Savannah with her blue belt (she tested earlier in the day), Julio with the fourth stripe on his brown and Russ with his first purple stripe. As a group we had gotten together and pooled money to send Julio to the Vegas Open. James presented that after the stripe and it was an awesome moment.

I'm pretty much a zombie now. Looking forward to (hopefully) sleeping in tomorrow and doing a whole lot of nothing until promotion tomorrow night.

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