Saturday, March 29, 2014

Down a Shoulder and a Lung

Went wall-climbing on Wednesday night after class. Felt fine that night (albiet tired). Thursday my right shoulder was pretty sore, but I didn't think it would inhibit me from rolling on Friday. Went to bed early on Thursday night, but was awake most of the night with shoulder discomfort. Friday morning and realized that I wasn't going to be doing much of anything. Shoulder was worse than Thursday, and ROM was limited when moving my arm across my body. I was worried that it was something serious like a tear, but after ice and Advil on Friday it feels much better today. It's not a 100%, but nowhere near the discomfort of Friday and most of the ROM is back when moving it to the left. 

I seem to have bronchitis or a similar itis deep in my lungs, the likely result of whatever sickness I had earlier in the month that hasn't cleared out yet. Feeling run-down and pretty meh. So between my shoulder and my lungs, I'm doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend. Dammit.

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