Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Moura Inverted Guard

7/31 - Downtown

Worked the Moura inverted guard that I've seen before and I tried to implement in my game but could never quite remember which foot and hand went where. If you can get into the guard it seems pretty effective. The trouble I had getting into it is that I didn't have enough control of my opponent during the transition. Our starting point was closed guard, so I'm going to give it try over the next couple of weeks.

Rolls with Dennis, Ben, Camille, Jayson and Nate. Had a pretty awkward roll with Dennis...we were both passive and waiting for the other person to initiate. He's really focusing technique and thinking through his next move instead of just reacting. It's funny to me that if my opponent slows down then I usually slow down too instead of doing my thing. Ben had superior positions, but I waited him out and escaped when the time right. Jayson demolished me, as per usual. I was chillin in bottom mount (he has a crushing mount), waiting for him to move so I could escape. He moved into a choke that I somehow didn't identify until it was too late. I let Camille work some from top positions. Nate got me with a kimura...he was persistent and once he had the grips from top mount he didn't let it go until he got the sub. Kudos to him for sticking with it.

I think I'm still seeing improvement in preventing my guard from being passed via frames. I almost had a 93 guard set up today but my feet weren't in the right place. Slow, steady progress.

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