Wednesday, July 17, 2013

No Handed Knee Bah

7/17 - Downtown

Transitioning from side-control to KOB, and then a couple of different ways to get to a mounted triangle or straight arm-bar. A pretty wide-ranging group today with some newish white belts, blue belts, purple and of course James. I'm becoming more comfortable with KOB, now it's just a matter of getting to a dominant position in rolling so I can practice it.

It didn't seem too hot when we started, especially since we had a couple of fans going. However, mid-way through the rolls it was positively steamy. I was feeling the warmth, but it didn't effect my cardio much. I'm really quite happy that my rolling cardio is back. Some of the guys were sucking wind pretty hard. I mentioned the whole not-straining-during-rolls-the-entire-time but it just doesn't seem to sink in.

Rolled with Nate, Dennis, Ben, Kelly, James and the new girl. I did something dumb with my leg when I was in side-control trying to get to half guard and am lucky that I didn't tear every ligament in my knee. I didn't do any damage to it, but I've done that a couple of times now where I try to get an overhook on their far leg instead of getting a knee inside. I HAVE to stop doing that. James was toying with me a bit. Keeps getting knee-bars w/o using his hands. I fall for it every time too, b/c he lures me into a position that I think is going to end well for me.

After the rolls I sat for awhile to cool down, but to no avail. I was quite the sweat demon today. I hydrate very well during the day, but even so I need to remember to bring water to class. I was feeling thirsty after, which means it's already too late...

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