Monday, July 29, 2013


7/27 - Downtown

Guard passes from kneeling and standing. I was doing a pretty good job of getting my hips forward today on the standing passes, although I still need to work on my posture.

We started off with 15min of KOTH, which resulted in the usual outcome for me. I kept my ego in check though and did what I could. After that we rolled, and I can't remember who my partners were. I was starting to feel fatigued b/c I hadn't had enough water and it was hot as blazes. Everyone was really feeling the heat, and there was no desire to roll after class.

7/29 - Downtown

93 Guard basics, arm drag, twist sweep. Rolled with Kelly, Sol, Taylor, Jason (B) and Kevin. Defense was ok, although I let it lapse during my roll with Jason and he got an arm-bar at the end. I'm getting a little bit better at not collapsing my legs when people are passing but I'm still doing it. Taylor is a new girl but she has some grappling experience, I think primarily no gi. It was a fun roll, as she is light and very fast.

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