Friday, July 19, 2013

Not King of the Hill

7/19 - Downtown

I signed up for the Buchecha seminar in September. Excited doesn't even begin to describe it.

Today we worked the flower sweep and a couple of variations of an arm-bar depending on where they post their hand to counter it.

For rolls we did king of the hill guard pass or sweep, starting in closed guard. Ugh. I was swept with a double-ankle in less than a minute into my first try. I came relatively close to passing Dennis' guard but other than that it was an exercise in futility. I tried standing and kneeling guard passes and had very little luck. This is a great drill for me but it makes me feel like crap b/c I do so poorly at it. I remember the last time we did this drill I tried standing guard passes and it ended in abject failure. I think it was a little better this time around, but stilll...meh.

We had a couple of regular rolls after the pass/sweep drill. I had the top of the food chain with James and Antone and had fun rolls with both of them. Antone got me in a sortof crucifix shoulder lock thing and James got me with a wrist lock after I tried to roll out of an omoplata. After those rolls I decided that I like BJJ again.

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