Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Back to Training

Noon: Frisbee 1hr
Not as windy today, but still a couple of gusts that made tosses unpredictable. I got scored on quite a bit in the first half hour or so. A little disappointing, but I think I did better in the latter half of the game.  Had a couple of good catches, but dropped another game-winner.  *sigh*  Guys were getting hurt left and right. The field was in decent shape, so it wasn't at fault.  Just a couple of freak accidents.  I'm surprised there weren't more injuries last month when the fields were icy/muddy/slogfests.

Evening: BJJ 1.5hrs
Talked a little about my tournament experience with the group. We went over cross collar chokes (how ironic), guard sweeps (even more ironic), armbar from guard and breaking down an opponents posture when they're in your guard. I was stewing about the fundamental mistakes I made and how I was capable of getting 1st place but didn't. I'm just going to have to get over that.  Master T was there and a new guy (Kevin). Otherwise it was just Holly, myself and Gary.  Surprised that no one else was there. 

Rolled with Master T (I got tooled of course) and Holly.  Had decent rolls with both of them. T got me in something that was like a scarf hold.  Intuitively I was trying to maintain some sort of half guard and turning into him.  I should have released the half guard and turned *away*.  I'm glad he told me that after I tapped, because I never would have tried to turn the other way. 

Overall I felt good about class.  Wasn't that tired at the end.  Might be due to the fact that we did 4 rounds of 2minute positional drills and then I had about 13minutes of rolling. I think I'm doing well with staying relaxed during rolls. Thought I'd be more tired since I played frisbee earlier in the day. I'm glad that I can do both activities on the same day and not be wiped out.

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