Friday, August 15, 2014

Fri Morn

I forgot that we're alternating gi with no gi every other Friday morning, so arrived at class somewhat unprepared. Not a big deal, wore gi pants and a non-compression top.

Worked sweeps from 93 guard, specifically the kneebar setup and deep half. I feel good with these, but can never get enough detail as I'm rarely able to get the sweep I want when rolling. Did the technique portion with Sarah, who had a monster bruise on her shin from the Vegas Open and tender ribs. She competed against a judo black belt so...y'know...

Rolled with Sarah, James, Manny. I did my best to avoid Sarah's ribs, so we had a sortof flow roll. We were both a bit perplexed about not having gi grips.

Had a fun roll with James, who resorted to wrist-locking me to finish a pass. I did a pretty good job of keeping a frame and inverting when necessary to maintain guard, so was pretty happy about that. I haven't been able to roll with him much lately, so it was nice to get one in today.

Manny was using his legs to maintain good control of my legs. Several times my legs were jammed up and I had a helluva time trying to get them free. I'd get to a point where I thought I'd have a pass but he'd get my legs tied up and get a sweep + pass.

I enjoyed the rolls. I meant to ask James after class under what conditions I should be back-stepping when passing, b/c I feel like I'm picking poor times to do it and am subsequently getting swept. Instead I asked him about his arm-bar set up from mount, since that's what I'm teaching tomorrow. It never ceases to amaze me the level of detail I need in order to feel comfortable with teaching.


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