Monday, August 19, 2013

Non-Stop Rolling


Little wound is all healed, thanks to some time off and antibiotics. Tests for nasty bacterias and viruses came back negative.

We had seven ppl in class today. Two rounds of flow rolling with everyone, then stretching, then for realz rolling another two rounds with everyone. No technique. Great day to come back. Cardio was awesome, no problem whatsoever. Also helped that it wasn't 90F outside.

I didn't expect too much after a week off. Unhooking my expectations and brain is a glorious thing in jiu jitsu. I wasn't focusing on anything in particular, other than a bit on where I was points-wise during the non-flow rolls. Dennis commented that I seemed very technical today. I told James at one point that Dennis was my favorite guy to roll with b/c he's stronger, a little heavier and more skilled...but enough to make it challenging and instead of demolishing me (usually). If I'm on my A game, we have really competitive and fun rolls.

I need to learn how to defend deep half. People were deep-halfing on me all day and I thought by holding up their elbow I could keep them from coming up. No.

I'm less than 2lb over with the gi, so I'm not too worried about weight for the tournament in 3wks.

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