Friday, November 14, 2014

Side-Control Escapes

Fairly basic, but a great refresher and always there are details that I've either forgotten or forgotten to implement.

The ol' bridge in and get a knee in for guard was first.

Then bridge in, fish your outer arm for an underhook on their far side and either shoot out the side if they're high on your chest or keep the arm up and come up to your knees if they try to move their arm to your near hip. 

The last one was a tricksy move where you get the underhook on the far side, but then you use your inner arm to control their far ankle while you bring your outer leg over the top of their far leg. Shoot down a bit, then grip their near leg and punch it up while holding their hips to you (taking them over the top of you). Somewhat similar to the 93 guard where you bury your head in their hip, get under their shin to overwrap their thigh, straighten their leg out to the side and dump them over.

Rolls with Manny, Shaun, Jason S. and Blaine. Had a great roll with Manny that had a lot of back and forth. He usually kicks my ass, so this was a nice change of pace. We both came within shouting distance of triangles.

Shaun was very technical and on point today. I've been trying to pressure in more during passes but it's ending up in me getting swept. He seemed to have an answer for everything I did.

Jason has a bad elbow, so I tried to steer clear of that. I got around to his back and tried unsuccessfully to work chokes. 

Blaine tried a double-under guard pass, to which I responded with a botched peruvian neck-tie and loop choke. I though the loop choke was solid but he had his chin tucked tight. I harassed him quite a bit with my guard and from the back. 

Was a little concerned about my energy level today, but it seemed to work out ok. I was also concerned about the number of times that I seemed to be inadvertently whacking people in sensitive areas. Sorry guys.

Someone must have kneed me or kicked me in the calf b/c as the day has worn on, I'm developing quite the limp. Feels like there's a nice bruise forming. :(


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