Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wed Morn

Felt a little off before class. Couldn't decide if it was my stomach or something else. Persisted through to the rolling portion of class and then subsided. I thought it was going to be a problem but turned out to be a non-issue.

Technique was wrist locks from...everywhere. Standing, in your closed guard, while you're knee cut passing, while you have kesa gatame and several from top side control. I love working with Sarah b/c I know that my wrist isn't going to get tweaked during the technique portion. 

Felt good with them from the various positions, and it's a great reminder of a tool that is oft neglected.

Rolled with Sarah during the entire rolling portion of class. Had her in quite a few bad spots. She came close to getting a sneaky wrist lock on me and she was foiling my backstep pass. I'm getting my knees too close together when I'm passing which is leading to getting my back taken (or close to it). I need to remember to keep a wider base.

I'm debating on doing night class. I'm going to a weekend seminar (open roll on Friday night and class all day Saturday and Sunday) and want to be fairly fresh for it. I'd like to get in some good, competitive rolls with higher belts if possible.

But....I'll probably go to class tonight. Maybe I'll limit myself to one roll at the end.

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