Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday: Part I

What better way to spend a vacation day that cramming in three jiu jitsu classes. I'm certifiably nuts.

First was the morning class downtown. We did single leg X sweeps. I'm getting the first couple of techniques confused already. I think the first one we pulled the leg across our body and then dumped them down. The second one we pinched our knees together and dumped them to that side. The third I think was a stand in base with their leg on your shoulder.

Rolls with Dennis, Van, Julio, Antone, Brian and Jason (b). I did really well with Dennis, as I was able to take his back and work superior positions for most of the roll. Van is getting really, really good at passing my guard. She is absolutely relentless about getting my elbow off the mat and driving her head into my chest. I was able to eventually take her back, but I think she was able to complete a pass. Julio was going at a pretty fast and hard clip, which is unlike his rolling of the past couple of weeks but closer to his norm. I can't tell if I was legitimately escaping submissions or if he was letting them go. Antone's knees are still bothering him, and he seemed to let me work a little more than usual. I fended off the bolo pretty well. Brian and I had a good back and forth roll. We have similar body types and both roll very controlled. I had him in an omoplata but didn't finish it, partly b/c I couldn't ease the shoulder where I needed it to go. It was either put all my weight in one direction or give it up, so I gave it up. I made a ridiculously poor decision early on in my roll with Jason. I had completed a pass, and had decided that I was going to go for some crazy choke. I didn't know what I was doing, but I thought the lapel grip was legit and would end in success. Nooooooooooooo. I went from a top side-control or half guard position to pulling him on top of my in bottom side control? Wtf? He worked several submissions and eventually got me with an arm-bar.

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