Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Flat Tire

I leave work to go to class and....rear tire is almost flat. Fortunately there's a tire shop a few blocks from my parking lot, so I drove there, dropped off my truck and credit card while Sarah came to pick me up for class. Not happy about buying a couple of new tires, but they probably have at least 50,000 miles on them so I shouldn't complain.

Arm-bar from mount today. Breaking the grip, transitioning to a straight arm-bar, kimura and monoplata. Felt good about all of them except the monoplata. Sometimes I ended up on my side instead of on my back, which wasn't right.

Rolls with Sarah, Sonya, Jason, Kelly, Tyrone. Sarah and I had a very even, back and forth match. I told her mid-roll that I was steering clear of her 50/50 but I got sucked in anyways. It was her first class and Sonya was watching us, so I tried to be especially smooth and controlled so that she could see that jiu jitsu can be a gentle art. There was a fair amount of grunting and people flying around on the rest of the mat, so I hope it was a good perspective. Rolled with her next and told her that her goal was to get on top using any means necessary. She wasn't timid at all and moved forward well. I'd say she has great potential, just from that.

It was Tyrone's third class. I worked exclusively from guard. Tried a couple of sweeps, but more so wanted to work on setting up subs from my favorite position as practice for the tournament. I did catch and release, and felt happy with the way that I was flowing from one to the next.

Jason worked to pass my guard and I worked to keep him out of it. Tried a baseball bat choke at one point but am doing something wrong with my grip. It was still enough to distract him so I could regain guard. He had top position most of the time, and eventually got me with something that I don't remember. He commented that it was difficult to flatten me out, so...progress.

Kelly had top side-control for the majority of our match. I defended subs fairly well. With 10sec left he went for a wrist lock but ended up doing a finger lock instead. I think it was a the-round-is-almost-over-and-I-need-to-secure-at-least-one-tap sortof thing. I should have mentioned something about the finger lock, since that isn't allowed and he probably thought he had the wrist.

Looking forward to taking the next couple of days off. The tournament is round-robin, but I'm not sure how many people are going to be in my divisions. I'm doing gi and no gi, so am expecting a lot of matches either way, especially in no gi as that seems to be more popular with the women around here.

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