Monday, April 13, 2015

Seminar, Private Lessons, Promotions...and Getting Dropped on My Head

Friday Night Seminar
Still felt tired on Friday, but not exactly comatose.

Seminar was massive, at least 40 people. We had to do techniques in groups of three, rotating with one person sitting out b/c there wasn't enough mat space. We have GOT to get more mat space, but that's another matter.

Started off with simple guard passing to KOB if you're not engaged with opponent. A pass using your leg to trap their shin against their hamstring and then smashing down their other leg, finishing with a knee slice over both legs.

A different wrinkle on the far-side arm-bar from KOB (or if they are trying to prevent KOB in the first place). A far-side arm-bar from side-control using a I-don't-even-know-how-to-explain grip or switching it to a kimura on the near side. 

Can't remember what else, but I took pretty good notes.

After the seminar was rolling, similar 4min KOTH format as Thursday night. I did ok against lower belts, felt like crap against everyone else.

Julio and James M. were then shark tanked for 10min. I was 3rd to go with Julio, but thankfully the two guys before me tired him out enough that I was able to take his back and harass him with chokes for most of the minute. I tried to switch to top control but lost it near the end of the minute. They both got absolutely WORKED.

They were awarded their black belts at the end, and it was understandably an emotional experience for both of them. 

Saturday Private

There was a kerfluffle Friday night when Rachael and I learned that there would be an open mat during our private. Wasn't happy about that, but whatever.

We were planning on doing takedowns for the entire lesson, but after a half hour we happily moved on to something else because our asses were starting to hurt. I don't know the name of the first, but the second was a sasae. 

Baiting an opponent into an arm-bar/crucifix if they split pass with double-unders, half guard split pass that ends in a kuzure kesa gatame (going to refer to this simply as "kuzure" from now on). 

He gave us some good advice from a variety of areas, including collar grip in guard and trapping the near arm in crucifixes.

Rachael and I rolled after the private. I tried the sasae and ended up pulling her on top of me. Otherwise it went ok. Rolled with a couple of other people, did ok.

Saturday Belt Testing

I had changed out of my gi and was ready to head out when they asked me to stay and be the uke for Shaun's portion of the belt test. So I stayed for a couple of hours to do that. At one point, he dropped me right on my head doing a takedown. He warned me beforehand "don't faceplant!", but I didn't know the takedown and couldn't anticipate where he was going to take me. I felt my neck do something unnatural, but apparently no lasting harm done. Thank great goodness for that.

His shark tank consisted of the white belts that had just been testing for blue, so I was off the hook for more rolling. Stayed awhile at pot luck and then gratefully went home to shower.

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