Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What Do You Even Call It?

We worked a gi choke today, and the best name that we could come up with was the "lapeloplata". I don't foresee me adding it to my regular inventory anytime soon, but it was interesting to do something completely different. 

From your closed guard, get a grip on a bottom corner of the gi jacket, feed your same side arm under their thigh, grip the gi jacket with the arm that's under their thigh and perform an omoplata sweep. If they try to block your free leg with their far arm, pull the arm in for an arm-bar. There was an animated discussion about whether you should be gripping the gi palm up or palm down. I tried it palm up, but my grip felt much weaker and I couldn't even keep all of my fingers wrapped around the fabric. Antone felt the same way. James said that with palm up you can use it to "punch" the sky as you chop down the leg for the sweep, but it fell on deaf ears. Antone tried to turn the position into a berimbolo with little success. We also worked on an ezekiel by pulling the bottom of the jacket up to their neck and gripping with the opposite arm that is draped across the back of their neck. Feed other hand under the gi fabric and viola.

Rolls with Antone, Tyrone and Sol (twice). Antone and I had a pretty technical roll. I had the inverted triangle set up from bottom side control but _still_ can't finish it. I simply can't fathom the required angle. I also took his back at one point but couldn't get both hooks. Went for a bow and arrow and couldn't finish that either. I suspect he was letting me have positions today.

Went on the offensive with Tyrone and got a triangle and a couple of arm-bars. One of the arm-bars I couldn't help b/c I was in guard and his arm was all the way across my chest and his hand was under my armpit. How do you pass up that opportunity. I tried like the dickens to keep him from passing and I think I was successful.

Sol went pretty hard the first round. Got top side-control and threatened numerous things, but I eventually worked my way out. The second time we rolled I tried to pass his guard instead of the other way around. Met with a lot of failure. Pulling up on the same side elbow that I was passing seemed to be moderately effective, but I wasn't fending off grips and he ended up with a reverse scissor sweep. He completely dominated both rolls and did several catch and release submissions.

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