Sunday, January 19, 2014

Class and Discourse


I have a sneaking suspicion that the new trend is for the people who attend the advanced class to skip on Saturdays. In some respects this makes sense, and many significant others will put up with their partner doing jiu jitsu on one weekend day but not both. However, I think it is more likely due to the fact that advanced people prefer rolling with advanced people, and given the option, will ditch a regular class. Purely speculation on my part though.

It was a big class nonetheless. Mostly white belts, with a couple of blues and a couple of purples. Kyle was in class, which was a treat b/c I haven't seen him in probably 6mos or so. He likes to give me a lot of good-natured ribbing. James decided to follow the Sunday plan for the Saturday class, which is 5min of drilling the technique(s) of your choice. We did several rounds of this, and then KOTH. I worked on the bury-head-in-their-hip half guard sweep and getting someone out of turtle from Friday's class.

For KOTH, Kyle was one of the initial guys down, so for the first roll I literally ran over and claimed him. We ended up going for about 20min. I was able to work my guard game at will, and attempted arm-bar after arm-bar after triangle after omoplata. However, I couldn't finish anything, which is why our roll lasted so long. I didn't get near to mount, although I think I got to top side-control once or twice. We had to reset several times b/c we were either getting too close to the wall or to other people. Finally, we went into 50/50, from whence he immediately got ahold of my foot and applied a toe hold. Sad for me, but it was a fun roll. I told him that roll was his wedding present, since he was getting married later that night.

I didn't have a roll with anyone else b/c soon after that time was called.

After class, I was interviewed by a classmate who is in an Occupational Therapy program. She's doing a paper on the types of activities that people do and how it impacts their lives. Took about half an hour, and I was able to wax poetic about jiu jitsu to my heart's content. She's going to use one of my tournament videos as a part of her presentation, which is kinda badass.

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