Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wed Morn

It turns out that if you can restrain from looking at the thermostat, you can kindof tell your brain to stop complaining about the heat.

James was late so Shaun, Jason S and I covered techniques. Shaun started with spiderguard, and I should have stuck with that theme but my hammer sweep is pretty crappy so I bailed to a half guard sweep. Jason picked up with a back-take or head and arm choke from the end of the sweep.

Rolled with a couple of white belt women, then Blaine and Jason S. Did better against Blaine than Monday, but couldn't get the sweep in the final 30sec that I wanted. 

I started to pass Jason's guard, he got a kimura grip and used it to almost get to back-mount. I spent the remainder of the 5min fending off chokes, triangles, arm-bars and baratoplatas from back-mount and body-lock. Uggggggggggggggh. The one positive I can take from it is that I did successfully fend off the subs. Never improved my position.

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