Friday, September 27, 2013

Spiderguard & DLR Hybrid

9/27 - Downtown

James is traveling for a tournament tomorrow, so four of us were left to our own devices. We went over a spiderguard-to-triangle and then a spiderguard sweep, and then Jason showed us a spiderguard/DLR hybrid that he picked up from Leandro Lo. We did a basic sweep from the position that seemed effective, but it was difficult to maintain top position instead of having it devolve into a scramble because at the end of the sweep your torso is close to their feet and your legs are extended forward.

We did three rounds of flow rolling, then three rounds of not flowing rolling. I got Jason in a far side shoulder lock via the omoplata that I picked up from the Buchecha seminar. It was extremely gratifying to be able to put something from the seminar to use.

Energy was pretty low today, likely due to skipping dinner last night and breakfast this morn. I have zippy appetite even though I've picked up my activity level in the past 24hrs. It'll fix itself sooner or later. Hopefully sooner, as I tripped on the mats during warm-ups and fell right over. That's not something that generally happens when I have all of my faculties.

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