Really, really not pleased about being sick right now. If I don't feel significantly better by tomorrow morning, I'm probably not going to get any rolls in again before I compete next week. My body doesn't feel too bad, but exerting with this cold is probably just going to prolong the illness. And no one wants to roll with a sick partner. If it stays in my head and out of my chest I'll be fine (except for the flight down...flying whilst congested is all sorts of not ok).
My biggest concern with not being able to train yesterday or tomorrow is not having a chance to work on my flow and fluidity. I'm worried that I'm going to get rusty by not rolling for a week beforehand. I hope the guys will be up for some light rolling while we're down there and that we have the space to do it.
Fret fret fret.
Drink a river of water, take Dayquil/Nyquil, and sleep as much as you can.
You will be okay even if you have to sit out the week. many people overtrain right before a comp.
I drank a ton of fluids this weekend (mostly water), which I think was partly why I was able to kick it so fast. Good luck to Angela, I'll be looking for her on Sunday. :)
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