To celebrate the 4th, I did a sandbag chipper that I borrowed from Blair Morrison. I had about 30lb in the bag, but it felt much heavier. I have two mini bags in the canvas bag and had to pull one of those out for the OH work. Either my scale lied or I'm terrible at lifting objects over my head. When I used both weights in the canvas bag it was awkward because the bag is meant to hold 80lb+ worth of weight and I had...well...30lb.
200m carry
30 zercher squat
30 chest to overhead
200m carry
30 ground to shoulder
30 OH lunge
200m carry
30 wrap around
30 thruster
100m throw
Total time was 26:15.
Since I was at the track, I decided to run some 100m repeats for fun. Did 5 x 100m with about 10 seconds rest between sprints. Times were something like 23, 22, 22, 21, 19.
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