Monday, July 18, 2011

New Program

BJJ 1.5hrs
Mostly new folks in class. Holly taught, so I worked some advanced techniques with Jim. I need to get back into writing down the details of techniques after class.

Lift ~30min
Abbreviated warm-up since I was very short on time. Did the first workout that Chris Kent drew up for me.

Press 35lb x 5; 40lb x 5; 45lb x 5 (65%, 75% & 85% of my 1RM)

AMRAP 7min
15 KBS (20lb)
20 squats
Completed: 4 rounds + 2 KBS

25 Toes-to-Bar (untimed)

Felt like I could have done the squats quicker, especially if I had time for a solid warm-up. Really, really wish the gym would pony up a 25lb or 30lb KB. 20lb feels too easy, but I'd probably hurt myself jumping right to 35lb.

Have never tried TTB before and wasn't exactly sure how to tackle it, but after a couple I seemed to get the hang of it. Could only do 3 or so at a time and pretty sure I got some weird looks from the early morning globo community.  Great movement though...I like it even better than KTE.

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