Tennis - Singles 1hr
Hit around with Vilay to warmup for the next day's match.
Tennis - Singles USTA 3.5
Ugh. Played an opponent who sliced every forehand and backhand. I had no answer and got annihilated. Was not pleased with my performance. Should have tried more drop shots and coming up to the net. Trying to generate pace and playing a baseline game is a terrible game-plan against a slicer. It didn't help that I hadn't played for the previous two weeks. Can't be off the court that long and expect to do well. Bah.
Mixed Doubles Tennis 1.5hrs
Weights & WOD
1000m row 4:55; 5 pullups
Back Squats:
10x 45lb
10x 65lb
5x 65lb
10x 45lb
10x 45lb
10x 65lb
7x 70lb
10x 45lb
10x lb bench; 20lb kb swing; 10x 30lb press; 5x 30lb front squat; 10x air squat; 5x 95lb bench; 5x 25lb zercher squat
5 Rounds
5x 95lb bench
10x 20lb kb swing
10x 30lb press
10x 25lb zercher squat
Completed in 12:41
Bench 5x 105lb; 5x 105lb; 3x 105lb
Pullups 5x; 4x; 3x; 3x
Dips 5x
This was a rather intensive session at the gym. For the WOD, I think I need to increase the kb weight, but the gym does not have a 25lb or 30lb kb. Grrrr. I might increase the bench by 5lb. Felt good about the WOD. Felt ok about the back squats and DLs, although I think my back is rounding during the DLs. Couldn't get in front of a mirror for my back squats so not sure how those went. Need to get a spotter so that I can try for a higher weight on the bench. Overall I felt good about the workout. Need to get a better program as far as reps are concerned, especially the squats and DLs, but want to keep doing what I'm doing until my form is better.
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