Sunday, January 3, 2016

Goals or Not?

Back to regular classes yesterday. Taught Fundamentals to a class of ~10. Covered sweeps from closed guard. I'm pretty sure that I talk too much. I try to cover concepts as well as actual movement, but I think I need to structure it differently, b/c I do a lot of yapping. I think I'd be better off covering concepts as a whole in the beginning, then do the techniques and briefly touch on how they relate to the concepts as I'm doing them. 

Had a LOT of rolls during the open mat. I must have been feeling froggy after having close to a week off due to something other than being sick. Had a great mix of partners. I had an awesome roll with James, in which I felt at the time that I was getting the upper hand in attacks, but figured later he must have been letting me work at least a little bit. Regardless of how much he was giving me, I WAS doing pretty well. I controlled top position for a piece of time, and thwarted his attempt to pass by very nearly taking his back. 

I had planned on lifting after class but I tweaked my back and felt pretty wrecked the rest of the day. Had errands and chores to do anyway, so it was fine. Back feels fine the next day, so will lift a couple of hours before class.

Struggling a bit with where I should put my focus. I feel like it would benefit me to really focus on a couple of areas (i.e. single leg x and x guard and leg drags), but teaching a class in which I cover a wide variety of topics from week to week makes that a little difficult. The drill time at the Sunday advanced classes is so precious. 

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