Thursday, January 7, 2016

Make it a Double

Did my first weekday double class in a month or so yesterday. James covered guard pulls in both classes b/c of the upcoming tournament and the large number of judo competitors that are registered. Sound plan.

Rolled with Sarah twice during the morning class, then several other folks. I don't recall anything about the rolls, other than I left feeling good about my game. Dennis has been out for a month and was a bit rusty, which may have resulted in me being able to apply much more pressure and control than usual. I felt like when I was rolling with white belts I was able to transition more smoothly than usual between techniques and give up positions more naturally, if that makes sense.

Evening class was KOTH. The big boys were separated onto another mat, so it was medium sized purples and James down with mostly blues and whites. I had several relatively easy rolls, then James came off the wall and he got me with something. I happened to get him again as I came off the line and he got me with something else. I felt like I did several not very wise things, like letting him get under me to become my base. I would start off with a knee cut pass and end up getting rolled over.

Rolled with Kelly once after class and Rachael twice (she was back after a several month hiatus). Both were great rolls. Rachael got the better of the first roll, passing and establishing a dominant side control that I couldn't escape. The second roll I got her back and harassed her arms and lapels from back and mount.

I felt surprisingly full of energy for both classes even though my sleep hasn't been great and hormones are doing stupid hormone things. The month plus of lifting with some conditioning might be contributing.

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