Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Back to Reality

Not a great day of rolling on Monday morn. I felt fine, but my rolling was not so hot. It started off on an odd foot b/c I rolled with someone who was very new and cautious about engaging. That might have put me a bit off with everyone else, or it may have had nothing to do with it at all. In any case, blue belt Chris whupped me pretty good then Jason S and Sol had their usual way with me. I probably fared the best against Jason, but for the most part I felt like I wasn't even on the same level with those guys.  

Disheartening, but it's past. 

The Fundamentals class went terrific last week. I felt like it was one of my better days of teaching. Another ~20 students, and I covered triangles, cross-chokes and guillotines. Russ, Jason S, Rachael and Sol were included in that number. A rack of purple belts my class. Just absurd.

STILL haven't picked any sort of focus for training. Maybe I'll do that someday.

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