Friday, May 10, 2013

S-Mount and Review

5/8 - Downtown

Went over transitions to S-mount and subs from there. Nothing exceptional to note, other than it's very important to get the first knee up at least level to the top of their head if not farther on your first try.

Also, this is obvious, but keep your weight on them. Don't flop off to the side.

Rolls with Antone, Kenny, Daniel, Joe, Dennis and Jason (B). Did well against the white belts, not so much with Dennis and Jason. I think I defended ok when rolling with Antone, but I can't for the life of me stop his guard pass.

5/9 - Valley

 Reviewed sweeps on a standing opponent, high guard and regaining guard from side-control. Roll with Gary and Damon. Was defending most of the time, nowhere near as on point as I was on 5/7. At one point it seemed like Damon was damned near trying to banana split me. He also attempted several toe holds, nailed a knee bar and choked me with I'm not sure what...ezekiel I think. My leg lock defense knowledge is non-existent, so the only thing I could think of was trying to plant my foot on the mat if possible.

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