Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Master Worlds Prep

I debated going to advanced class on Sunday, and I should have gone with my gut and stayed home. Just killed my confidence to get rolled up by everyone.

Monday night didn't go much better, as Rachael got me several times. In the later rounds I recovered and had good transitions, but I was starting to question why I compete, why I do jiu jitsu, etc ad nauseum. I've rarely felt like that lately, but the week prior to comps can be a whole lot of not fun.

Going to flow roll Wed night and leave it at that. 

It's supposed to be 100F in Vegas this weekend. HOT.

Company completed the move to different city over the weekend. Nice office space, but definitely not a fan of open office environments. It's also going to make training in the mornings tricky b/c of the added commute.

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