Thursday, December 3, 2015


No competitions on the horizon...good for stress levels, but feeling a bit rudderless at the moment. There's a great deal that I want to try to address with my game and I'm not sure where to start. 

It's not helping that my ego was knocked around a bit last night. Didn't get much sleep the night before, so can't read too much into it. A newish blue belt who hasn't trained in awhile caught me in a triangle that he set up from mount while we were doing positional drilling (he started in mount). Chaz did his usual smashity smash. 

The kicker was rolling with Nando after class and him either working a strong knee cut or working from side control after passing. Definitely dominating the entire round. He has a habit of trying to teach whoever he just got done rolling with some technique that is relevant to whatever happened during the roll. He started doing that after the roll and I politely declined. My ego wasn't up to getting lectured by someone who rarely comes to class but can still beat my ass. 

Had a better class earlier in the morning when I had a really competitive roll with Jason S. Almost got submitted via a BB bat choke by Jordan. I didn't respect it when I was trying to pass his half guard and I very nearly tapped, even when I had gotten to mount. 

Morning class was a tough go at the beginning b/c I had an ocular migraine (or something else that has similar symptoms) from right before class until midway through the technique portion. It was difficult to focus on anything with my peripheral vision impacted, but after the second technique it seemed to clear up. I don't recall having one that severe in many years. Hopefully it's not going to be a common occurrence, as it's pretty freaky.

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