Sunday, November 15, 2015

Advanced Class

Went in with a plan to work the a series of passes from the knee slice using long step grips. First time using the grips and first time long-stepping. Took detailed notes from Mendes videos. Tried to drill them with moderate success. One of the biggest issues is that most of my drilling partners weren't giving me a solid RDLR hook. Sarah did, and I was really able to get the feel of the technique with her. Feels super awkward to put my weight from the knee slice to the post leg, but with a lot of drilling it might become a good option.

Rolled with Jason S. twice, Jamie and Shaun. James and Sarah were both feeling sick so they didn't roll. Had tough rolls with Jason but felt like I was able to recover from really bad spots and get to more dominant positions. Not sure how much he was letting me do that, but I think for one of the passes I legitimately got it.

Shaun said he wanted to roll technical and that he wasn't going to do any foot locks. Ok by me! We traded several sweeps and I don't think either one of us succeeded in passing.

I tried to keep Jamie at distance. At some point I ended up in mount and spent a large amount of time trying to retain mount and get a submission. He ended up escaping when I over-committed on an americana.

One thing I've been working lately is to push my opponent's head down toward the mat in the direction of my knees when they're passing my half guard from split passes or leg weave passes. It's working out pretty well.

I felt like my drilling was moderately successful. Not amazing, but ok. My rolls were very tough but I felt like I was making fewer wtf-am-i-even-doing mistakes like I was previously in the week.

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