Switched my schedule up a bit this week to train at nights to help Rachael prep for the Seattle Open. This means doing my workout in the morning, which is fine once I'm awake and warmed up. Had one of my best heavy lift sessions yesterday morning though so maybe there's something to morning lifts.
I bought the Bill Cooper Escapes series and decided to work on submission escapes for awhile. He shows some interesting techniques, some of which are going to take me awhile to figure out. One frustrating thing is that he describes techniques literally ("put your right hand here") and there's not much inclusion of mechanics or concepts. Some of the "why" I already know, but in other instances I don't and am figuring out on my own...which may be better for me in the end anyway.
It's inspired me to do an sub escape class during Fundamentals, since we rarely cover escapes in any of the regular classes.
I finally got up the nerve to tell James that I wasn't doing Masters. He took it well and called me up after class to double-check that everything was ok with me which was really pretty nice.
I'm noticing a full two months into working out that I'm feeling more confident as far as strength and cardio is concerned on the mat. Rolling has generally been feeling pretty decent. Still some ego crush rolls here and there, but by and large I'm enjoying most of the rolls regardless of the outcome and regardless of the choices that I made during the roll.
I might be giving private lessons to a kid soon. I think he's around 10y/o or so. I'm going to give it one lesson and see how it goes. I generally have a really hard time relating to and talking with pre-teen kids because they're basically little aliens. If I don't feel like I'm doing a good job with him I won't charge the Dad and will recommend that he find someone else.
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